How It Works

We are committed to helping you look, live, and feel better. While aging is inevitable, our treatments empower you to navigate it with greater vitality than ever before.

Your Free Consultation

We initiate by engaging in a conversation with you, actively listening to your inquiries and concerns. Through this dialogue, we assist you in making well-informed decisions, allowing us to collaboratively chart the most suitable course of action for you.

Client Information Form

The next step is to fill out our Client Information Form, which only takes a few minutes. This helps us set up your Renew Youth account. After that, we'll ask you to complete a brief Health History.

Laboratory Testing and Results Review

After setting up your account, we'll arrange for your lab work. You can have your blood drawn at a convenient location near your home or workplace. Once we receive your results, we'll go over them with you in detail.

Consultation with Physician

After reviewing your lab results and answering all your questions, we'll schedule an appointment for you with one of our doctors.

Your Personalized Program is Developed

From this point, your treatment plan will be crafted. It will be custom-tailored to suit your unique needs and lifestyle.

Self-Administered Home Treatments

Your treatment program will guide therapy, encompassing medications, supplements, injections, and recommendations for a healthier lifestyle—all on your schedule, in the comfort of your own space.

You Start Noticing Results

This is where you reclaim your true self, but the journey doesn't stop here. Your treatment plan encompasses ongoing monitoring and regular follow-up. We'll support you at every stage. Whenever you need assistance, we're just a phone call away.

Frequently Asked Questions

Allow us to contribute to your success story. Let's uncover your revitalized self.

After your medical clearance with our provider, your order should arrive within one week.

Each peptide varies in its effects. Typically, you can expect to notice results within 4-6 weeks for most peptides. However, with PT-141, you should feel its effects within 30-60 minutes after use.

You will receive instructions for self-injection and dosage along with your shipment.

Virtual Consultation

Online consult with your medical provider.

Peptide Shipment

Delivery directly to your doorstep.


Online consult with your medical provider.